Saturday 29 February 2020

Introduction to Oreo

Oreo, General in the herd
Oreo is our biggest Sow weighing 1318 grams or 2 Lb and 14 Ounces. Oreo is quite long compared to Tink and Belle and has always been the largest of the girls. Oreo, I think, will always be a large sow, but as long as she doesn't suddenly pile on a lot of weight, we are happy to monitor her and make sure everyone gets their share of food, and exercise. She is 1 year, 5 month old and is so tame in comparison to Belle and Tink. Oreo has always been the most placid of the girls and once you have picked her up, she is happy to sit for a good 30 minutes, sometimes longer and just lie there. She doesn't run around trying to rule the other girls and is happy for Tink to take that role. Oreo is our therapy pet, if anyone has had a bad day, Oreo can bring calm back to your day and centre you again.

Piggie floor time
We bought Oreo along with Tink however due to coat type and colouring and although we still call them sisters, we don't think they actually are sisters. We adopted Belle later, and Oreo, along with Tink instantly took her under their wings. Belle has been with them for nearly 5 months now, and to be honest, I think Oreo likes that belle is there to distract Tink when Tink is Rumble stomping all over everyone. Oreo Strikes us, as just wanting quiet and calm, whereas Belle, who is only just turning 9 month old, is still feisty and playful. Belle challenges Tink at every opportunity which diverts Tink away form Oreo completely. We tend to take Oreo out for peace when Tink goes into heat as Tink is very intense and we think, tiring for Oreo.

Oreo once had a serious accident which involved damage to her eye. We had to give her eye drops and antibiotics (all into her eye) for around two weeks several times a day. Oreo soon got fed up with this, as the eye drops stung, but it was this or potentially loose her eye. She put up with so much after the accident and she fought just as we did to help her keep her eye. Oreo is not one for running around or pop-corning much (we think this may be down to her size and also her placid nature) but she does seem to prefer calm to chaos, much like many of us human beings really.

Tiger "Onward to Battle my good steed" Oreo "If we must"

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