Monday 6 May 2019

Introduction to Tyr

I had always wanted a little Roborovski but Tyr's arrival was unplanned,  I had been taking Oreo, our guinea pig to the vets as she had something wrong with her eye. On that day I came out the Vet really upset as it had been more serious than we had thought (All turned out to be fine in the end, but on this day we did not know this).

Our Vets is actually inside the pet-store so its easy to buy supplies when you visit or make an appointment when you go to the store for supplies. The pet-store also has an adoption centre in it where various little animals can be adopted.  When I managed to calm down enough to head out for a taxi home with Oreo in her carry case, I thought I would cheer myself up by going over to look at the adoption centre. I always love to see all the cute little rodents they have available. This was not my best plan.

I walked over and seen a little Roborovski (I cannot for the life of me remember what his name was in the adoption centre but I changed it as soon as I got home). Now I read his little card beside his cage and had a look inside, not expecting to see anything as Roborovski Hamsters are very timid and tend to hide a lot, but there he was. His little head appeared from a pile of bedding and he looked in my direction before getting up and coming over to the glass front of the cage. It was love at first sight.

Tyrs Habitat (110cm x 40cm) 
I had a spare starter (hospital) cage in the house and but had an idea on how to build him a large habitat since I had already done this for Gizmo, my Russian Dwarf, so I adopted him there and then with Oreo in her own carry case. He had several different names over 2 or 3 days before I settled on Tyr. Later that week we adopted two other Russian Dwarf Hamsters called Loki and Odin so Tyr seemed to fit. (One day I will post up how I built his habitat).

Tyr weighs around 37 grams and was 1 year old in April 2019, he was four month old when I adopted him. He is still very timid but this month he has started running up to the doors in his habitat to see me when I talk to him (he still runs away when I open the doors though). If I move very slowly he will now stand beside my hand and eat or put his two front paws on my fingers so as he can take a treat form my hand. Very occasionally he will sit on my hand to eat a treat but this is all very much on his terms. He has never bitten me and is very good natured. His personality is that of a very timid hamster but now and again you get to see his bravery when he attacks his whimzee treat  ha ha.

So this is my introduction to Tyr, he was my comfort baby when I was feeling sad, he always manages to make me smile and he is so very cute. He was only in his starter cage for a week while I built him his forever habitat which you can see above. I hope one day I will be able to handle Tyr a bit more but I am aware that Roborovski's are very skittish and timid and I am lucky he comes as close to me as he does.

Tyr and his favourite pass time

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