Monday 27 May 2019

Building a Guinea Pig Pen

Pen 1 & 2 together

Last Summer I undertook the challenge of making a proper indoor guinea pig pen for our two girls (Peanut Butter) Oreo & (Princess) Tink (Tinkerbell, the Diva).  Below is a step by step guide on how this was done.  I did it in two parts as it was quite a big job.  

Unfortunately I am unhappy at the size of pen 2 so I will be expanding on this soon.  I will however post pen 2 up as the whole design was made to suit easy expansion so there will be a pen 2 expansion guide later as well.

The cost of this cage was absolutely zero as it was all re-used wood form an old wardrobe, aquarium sealer was left over from a previous project and screws were there already too.

What tools did I need to make this cage?

Drill, sander, Aquarium silicon to seal the pen, Screwdriver, hammer, screws, PVA Glue to help strengthen the joints, dowels to help strengthen the base and back joint. and the following:

The above was Pen 1, made specifically to fill with hay and keep the hay inside the pen as much as possible.  

Step 1:  Cut the base (measurements are 50 cm depth x 100 cm Length. 
Step 2; Cut out the back (46cm x 100cm
Step 3: cut out the two side panels and label A and B 44.5cm x 48.5 cm each (this accounts for the thickness of the base and back of the pen.  
Step 4 take side panel B (the closest to where pen B is going to be) and cut a large arch so as the guinea pigs can get back and forth form pen 2
Step 5: cut a front panel out (depending on wood thickness – this is 15mm each) 97cm long x 20 cm high
Step 6: Cut a panel for the roof of the cage approx. 15 cm x 98.5cm
Step 7: Line up the side panels with the front and top panels and mark a diagonal line to match and line up with each one.  keep it as flush as possible.  (I did calculate the measure for mine, but I don’t have the precise calculations and measurements to hand anymore and this is a good way of measuring it as well. 

Here are some photos of the process as it moves along:

Pen 1

Pen 2

Once it was all screwed together, I used aquarium sealer around the inside edges to stop water leakage.  I then put cup hooks into the top front of each side panel and hung a wire mesh panel on it to help the piggy’s feel more secure as they were not keen on the openness of the pen. 
Viola! Pen 1 complete.  If, however, you make this with a non-veneered wood you will have to find a nontoxic way of sealing the wood surface.  this was all made form an old wardrobe, so it was veneered MDF.  Easy to cut and work with and completely waterproof on the surface.   I also added ‘feet’ to the pen to raise it off the floor allowing air to circulate under the pen. 

Pen 1 with temporary attachment

I hope this helps and is clear enough, if however, you have any questions please feel free to use the comments below to ask.  Pen 2 will be uploaded shortly.  The best thing about this method of building was that I could keep the original pen attached to this pen until I had time to build the second pen. 

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